Comrades of Libertäre Aktion,
We are delighted to send you revolutionary greetings on the important occasion of Midada’s funding congress. Today it is no easy task to cohere a group of individuals into an organization of militants. Such an effort requires unwavering patience, persistence, and commitment. It is evident to us that you have advanced over the last 5 years toward the goal of organization with these considerations in mind.
As you are well aware, you join a growing worldwide tendency of organized anarchism that has established its presence on nearly every continent and in a growing number of countries. These developments come none too soon. In the face of renewed reaction in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere; inter-imperialist war; a U.S. enabled genocide taking place in Palestine; and the looming existential threat of climate catastrophe, the state and capital have proven unwilling and/or incapable of confronting these myriad crises.
Thus, it must be the dominated classes galvanized in mass fighting social movements—which take as their core principles class struggle, internationalism, direct action, direct democracy, and self management—that deal the death blow to the progenitor of the aforementioned cataclysms: the double headed hydra of state and capital. Only after this victory can we bring into existence a society which asks from each according to their ability and gives to each according to their need.
Organizations such as yours and ours are crucial to the development of revolutionary potential and practice in these mass movements—not leading them from above, but struggling within them as co-equals. We look forward to future reports on the progress you achieve in this most important task.
For now let us strengthen the bonds between our organizations so that we can learn from one another and continue to build up the burgeoning international of anarchist communist groups.
To you: our congratulations, a revolutionary embrace, and a fighting spirit.
Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra August 2024